viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

Ríos de amor

There's a tunnel that leads you to the rivers of love
Its sides make you bleed 'till you are white as a dove
Don't bother to bring all the baggage you cling to
The porter will free you before you come through.
The doorway that cleanses, the darkness that mends
It's easy to smile in the end.

And it all comes down to leave it all behind and moving on
To the rivers of love
And never be lonely again
How long have you waited? How long 'till you drown?

The rules and directions, the twists and corrections
Take toll onthe highs we strive 'till we die
To seek out the one love, the one that we dream of
The one may be with you every day

Alone and untethered and free of all ties
Free since the day we first cried
And it all comes down to leave it all behind and moving on
To the rivers of love
And never be lonely again
How long have you waited? How long 'till you drown?

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